local map = vim.api.nvim_set_keymap local opts = { noremap = true, silent = true } -- Move to previous/next map('n', '', 'bnext', opts) map('n', '', 'bprevious', opts) -- Re-order to previous/next --map('n', '', 'BufferMovePrevious', opts) --map('n', '>', 'BufferMoveNext', opts) -- Goto buffer in position... map('n', '', 'LualineBuffersJump! 1', opts) map('n', '', 'LualineBuffersJump! 2', opts) map('n', '', 'LualineBuffersJump! 3', opts) map('n', '', 'LualineBuffersJump! 4', opts) map('n', '', 'LualineBuffersJump! 5', opts) map('n', '', 'LualineBuffersJump! 6', opts) map('n', '', 'LualineBuffersJump! 7', opts) map('n', '', 'LualineBuffersJump! 8', opts) map('n', '', 'LualineBuffersJump! 9', opts) map('n', '', 'BufferLast', opts) -- Pin/unpin buffer --map('n', '', 'BufferPin', opts) -- Close buffer map('n', '', 'bdelete', opts) local colors = { white = "#cccccc", grey = "#303030", black = "#080808" } local custom = require'lualine.themes.palenight' custom.normal.c.fg = colors.white custom.normal.c.gui = "" require('lualine').setup { options = { icons_enabled = false, theme = custom, component_separators = { left = ' ', right = '|'}, section_separators = { left = ' ', right = ' '}, disabled_filetypes = { statusline = {}, winbar = {}, }, ignore_focus = {}, always_divide_middle = true, globalstatus = false, refresh = { statusline = 1000, tabline = 1000, winbar = 1000, }, }, tabline = { lualine_a = { { 'buffers', show_filename_only = true, -- Shows shortened relative path when set to false. hide_filename_extension = false, -- Hide filename extension when set to true. show_modified_status = true, -- Shows indicator when the buffer is modified. mode = 2, -- 0: Shows buffer name -- 1: Shows buffer index -- 2: Shows buffer name + buffer index -- 3: Shows buffer number -- 4: Shows buffer name + buffer number max_length = vim.o.columns, filetype_names = { netrw = 'netrw', TelescopePrompt = 'Telescope', dashboard = 'Dashboard', packer = 'Packer', fzf = 'FZF', alpha = 'Alpha' }, -- Shows specific buffer name for that filetype ( { `filetype` = `buffer_name`, ... } ) -- Automatically updates active buffer color to match color of other components (will be overidden if buffers_color is set) use_mode_colors = true, buffers_color = { active = { --fg = '#ffffff', --bg = '#0000ff', gui = 'bold' }, inactive = { fg = colors.white, bg = colors.grey, gui = 'bold' }, }, symbols = { modified = ' ●', -- Text to show when the buffer is modified alternate_file = '#', -- Text to show to identify the alternate file directory = '', -- Text to show when the buffer is a directory }, } }, lualine_b = {}, lualine_c = {}, lualine_x = {}, lualine_y = {}, lualine_z = {'tabs'} } }